Fire Safety Talk with Fireman David Styles

Fire Safety talk with 5th and 6th classes

In advance of Halloween, local fireman and parent David Styles, gave a fire safety talk to a number of classes. David shared lots of important information with us about how we can keep safe in our homes and around bonfires. He also informed older classes of the dangers of illegal fireworks and fire-crackers. Thank you very much David for giving of your free time and we would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe Halloween!

Fire safety talk with 5th and 6th classes
Fire safety talk with Junior and Senior Infants

Notice Board

Homework Review Questionnaire

Dear parents,  

We value your opinion and would love your say!

 We are conducting a review of homework in the school at present. We want the perspectives of staff, pupils, and parents. The idea of this questionnaire is to collect the views of parents on this important topic. Please fill out the following survey: