6th Class trip to Chester Beatty Library and Dublin Castle

A group of 6th Class pupils recently went on a trip to Chester Beatty Library and Dublin Castle.

In Chester Beatty Library, the pupils examined a variety of objects and discussed how they might have been made. The pupils learned about different materials and the methods of making the objects they saw. The pupils really enjoyed the trip, and their guide asked them some fantastic questions which really helped to get the children thinking about how the objects were made.

After visiting the Library, the pupils were brought on a guided tour of Dublin Castle. They learned about the history of Dublin Castle, from its construction to the present day.

Notice Board

Homework Review Questionnaire

Dear parents,  

We value your opinion and would love your say!

 We are conducting a review of homework in the school at present. We want the perspectives of staff, pupils, and parents. The idea of this questionnaire is to collect the views of parents on this important topic. Please fill out the following survey:
