
Active Week 2021

We had an amazing Active Week once again this year! Our children participated in a range of fun activities including table tennis, wake and shake, sports days, cycling, scooting and skating obstacle courses, soccer blitzes and Active Walkway activities! We also had...

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Successful Fundraisers for Spraoi!

A huge "thank you" to all of the staff and families who donated clothes to our Bag2School clothes collection last week. We raised €790 from the clothes collection! The money raised from this collection will go towards necessary equipment for our Special Classes. We...

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Notice Board

Homework Review Questionnaire

Dear parents,  

We value your opinion and would love your say!

 We are conducting a review of homework in the school at present. We want the perspectives of staff, pupils, and parents. The idea of this questionnaire is to collect the views of parents on this important topic. Please fill out the following survey: